Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Haha, well...  

My pregnancy was confirmed by my OB's office the following Thursday and my 1st appointment/ultrasound was scheduled for Friday, the  21st of July.  I was exactly 5 weeks pregnant.  I was so excited for my appointment that I had to go pee twice before!  It was actually the 1st and only time I pee'd so much before the appointment that I wasn't able to "go in a cup" when they needed me to!  It wasn't a big deal, just funny!  :)  Before my OB came in to perform the ultrasound his nurse explained to me what would happen at each appt.  I was loving every word I was hearing.  Taking it all in.  Smiling the whole way... You'll need me to pee in a cup every appointment?  No problem.  Take my blood?  It's yours.  Blood pressure?  Sure! What else?  Whatever it is, I ain't got no problem.  I'm pregnant.  :)

His nurse finished up and after taking my blood pressure told me my OB would be right in...  I couldn't wait to see him and to thank him.  

When he walked in he said, "I told you so"!  And he did...  and we couldn't be happier!  Then he said...  "and now the question is, how many?"  That was actually the question on a lot of my family members minds.  It is typical with insemination or in vitro that a multiple pregnancy would result so we knew there was a potential. He did say it would be too early to know for sure, but we were still surprised and a wee bit concerned when after looking at the ultrasound we saw THEM. Yep...  two very small little black dots on the screen.  One bigger than the other.  My OB saw them, but kept looking around...  was he actually looking for a 3rd??  eek!   And then he told us it looked like it might be twins.  They both measured at 5 weeks, within a day of each other, but it was too early to tell for sure.

We headed into my OB's office to go over the "testing and appointment schedule" and he gave us a bunch of information explaining what I could/shouldn't eat, etc.  We made our next appt. for August 8th and we were on our way.  I still felt like I was floating.  Cloud 9 was mine.  Finally.

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