Thursday, December 6, 2012

Downhill Battle.

These past few months have been rough, to say the least.  An emotional, mental and physical roller coaster that just wouldn't stop. There have been many a nights when I sat down in front of the computer and thought, "I need to update my blog" and then I thought, "but I am feeling down and tired and don't have a whole heck of a lot of positivity to express" and so I opted out of the updating and shut it down.  Tonight wasn't much different, except to say that I am slowly, but surely coming out of the downward spiral that I felt would consume me entirely at one point.  

My original reason for starting this blog was to take you all along with me on my journey to becoming a mama and while the joyous, loving, 'happy' moments are in abundance I have had my share of tough days.  I was just careful not to express those as often or at all.  

Lately, my children have needed me to really step up and become an advocate for them. I had to stand up and make people take notice.  I had to make myself be heard, and teach my children that they too, have a voice.  And a powerful one at that.

So here I sit tonight...  thinking about this mountain I've been climbing and how, rather than falling, I continue to move forward.  My children walk beside me, knowing that if they fall I will hold my hand out for them, but I will not carry them because the victory of reaching the peak needs to be theirs.  The climb gets steeper and more difficult, but we have our sights set on the top.  Which is finally in view. And then... it's all downhill from there.