Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Official Announcement.

May 13, 2010

The first time we got pregnant, it was an answer to our prayers. 
The second time was our very own little miracle. 
And our third time??? Well... our third time's a charm! ;)

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day 2010...  May 9 to be exact.  Exactly 1 month from the 1st day of my last period...  

We spent the day with family at my mom's house.  It was a beautiful day so we spent the majority of it outside, chasing the kids around.   It was a pretty relaxing day...  and we had family visiting from out of town as well.  All in all a pretty fab day.  There was only 1 thing missing.  My period. 

When the end of the day arrived and there was not one single sign of it, I pretty much instantly knew.  And I didn't know what to think.  I told myself I would take a pregnancy test the next day, if my period didn't come.  Admittedly I secretly hoped it would.  But knew deep down it wasn't going to. 

So when Monday rolled around and I was still period free I took a deep breath, peed on a stick and waited.  And there it was...  staring at me.  A big fat, "Pregnant"sign.  I was stunned.  And stood there frozen.  I'm... pregnant?  Again??  In my heart of hearts I was happy, but at that moment I couldn't believe it.  And I wasn't sure I was ready.  Haha, well...  ready or not!?!  

I immediately called my husband at work to tell him the news.  And while on the phone I burst into tears.  Not because I wasn't happy about the little being growing in my belly, but because I was just so mixed emotionally.  I thought about my sweet baby boy and how it would affect him.  I wasn't as concerned about my daughter since she is older, but I found myself in the same situation as before, wondering how this would affect my nursing relationship with my son.  At least I had the full 9/10 months to prepare!  :)

I did not plan on having a 3rd baby.  I did not plan on having a 2nd baby for that matter.  I put it all in Gods hands and there I was...  growing another baby in my belly.  Here we go again!