Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Beginning. Part two.

My husband was back in town in time to set up our 1st round of IUI and, of course, I started my period - right on time.  Damn period.

It was the end of May 2006 and I called my ob to tell him the day I started.  He decided that we would go at this aggressively and instead of just relying on the insemination alone he prescribed the drug Clomid for me to take.  I took it on days 3-7 of my period and made an appt. to go see him on Friday, June 2nd.  It was Day 10 of my period and he wanted to do an ultrasound to check when around I would be ovulating.  He said "everything looked great" and that I had 1 dominant ovarian follicle, (on my left ovary) that measured about 22mm (anything over 12mm was good!).   He came to the conclusion that I would most likely ovulate over the weekend so we scheduled our Insemination to take place at a center called Southern California Reproductive Center.

Sunday morning, June 4th...  we arrived bright and early for our 1st "session" so to speak.  I was a basket full of nerves.  "What if we don't get pregnant"?  "What if it doesn't work"?  "How much is this going to cost us"?  "How long will we go and how many times will we try if we aren't successful"?  Oh man...  the questions went on and on in my head.  I had heard so many stories, unsuccessful ones, of couples who had been trying and trying and got nowhere.  My heart ached for them and now I felt like I was one of them.  And would we have to resort of In virto if the IUI's didn't work?  I freaked myself out, but good. 

I was given a bottle of HCG from my ob and was told to bring it with me on Sunday so they could administer it just prior to the insemination.  The whole process of Intra-uterine Insemination was not something I was ever hoping to educate myself on, but alas there I was...  Not only having it explained to me in detail, but actually going thru the process.

When it was "my turn" to be seen my husband took my hand and together we walked in the room.  It was like going for an annual exam, but with a hell of a lot more riding on it.  Like 100times more.  The Nurse Practitioner walked in and introduced herself, even though we had already met her earlier, and was very professional about the whole process.  She held up the "washed semen" and made sure the names matched.  (we've all heard those horror stories about semen being switched at places like this and you can bet your a** that both my husband and I were thinking about that - and a little scared of the idea - nonetheless we had faith and felt reassured by their safety practices).   The Nurse Practitioner explained to me that she couldn't administer the HCG I brought because she didn't know where it came from.  My 1st thought was, "but I need it!"  Of course for an additional $60 I could buy it from them and they could legally administer it.  Fine.  Take my $60, I don't care!  Just help me get pregnant!

My husband sat by my side, held my hand and rather than focusing on what was being done I just looked at him...  with tears in my eyes.  Partly sad and partly joy.  I didn't know what to think or feel, other than at that very moment we could be "making a baby".  I felt some pressure and after only a few seconds it was over.  And I was told to "lay there for 5 minutes before getting up".  The slowest 5 minutes of my life.  So far.

And so began...  the 2WW (two week wait).

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