Friday, October 22, 2010

The Induction.

We arrived at the hospital at 10pm sharp and began the admitting process.  I had previously turned in my admittance paperwork so the actual checking in didn't take long.  Everyone kept asking me, "why are we inducing"?  In my mind I thought, "shouldn't you know??"  But I guess they didn't all work for my OB so it was up to me to tell them what I was told earlier that day...  And I did my best, but couldn't relay the message well enough.  Whatever, it didn't matter.   They gave me my gown and I got in bed.  Another Dr. was going to come in to begin the induction process by administering the Cervidil so all we could do was wait.  And fill out all paperwork they put in front of me.  My sister was there, video camera in hand, to capture as much as she could.  I wanted it all on tape!  My whole family practically filled the waiting room...  they were all ready to camp out for as long was necessary to be there when my baby was born.  We were all very excited.  And impatient. 

Eventually the Dr. came in to insert the Cervidil...  Shortly after that my 1st Nurse came to check on us.  She was young and cheerful and very nice.  I tried to think positively that this labor was going to go how I always dreamed it would...  I pictured myself staring at my husband and pushing my baby out!  I had it all played out in my mind.  

First minutes went by...  then hours...  and then the next day.  My OB had come in several times to check on us and I wasn't making much progress.  It was disappointing, to say the least.  I wasn't going to get moved to a "Labor & Delivery" Room until I was at 3-4cm dilated so those were the numbers I was waiting to hear.  

By this time they had started the pitocin and tried to further the induction by inserting a Foley catheter and breaking my water.  I had opted to take a drug that was being offered by my nurse (she referred to herself as a "drug pusher"), called Fentanyl and had taken all they were allowed to give me.  The pain had gotten so intense, I was hardly able to handle it any longer.  I waited and waited as long as I could, but the contractions, made unbearable by the pitocin, were just getting stronger and stronger.  I opted for the epidural.  I was a basket case of emotions at that point.  And oh so very exhausted.  I tried to stop watching the clock, but it was difficult. 

It felt like an eternity I was waiting for the Anesthesiologist.  And then...  I was numb.  Too numb in fact.  I didn't like it.  No more being able to get up to go pee?  Oh man.  

Shortly after I received the epidural my OB told me I was at 4cm!!!  Hallelujah!!  Let's move to L&D, thank you very much!  I couldn't walk there myself, cause of the epidural, so they wheeled me in.  I felt so out of it.  I was well aware of what was going on around me, but the numbness was just too much.  My family had all come in to visit with us and a couple friends had come to visit.  I told them all that I was at 4cm and was hoping to have my baby soon!!!  This was all Saturday - mid morning.  

After a few more checks my OB had to sit down to talk to us about a few things...  It was around 1pm on Saturday afternoon and he told us that I wasn't progressing (stuck at 4cm) and my cervix was beginning to swell.  He was talking in a sympathetic tone and basically recommended that if after another half an hour I was still in the same scenario he wanted to perform a C-Section.  And then he asked me if that was ok.  I told him yes.  He was going to have some fluids put back into me to support my baby and he would be back in half an hour.  Up until this point I hadn't really considered the idea of me having a C-Section.  I just didn't think it was something I'd have to actually endure.  

I asked my sister (she was still videotaping) to go find my mom in the waiting room and ask her to come in.  When my mom came in we hugged and I just cried in her arms.  I really didn't know why I was crying...  Maybe it was because I was scared.  Maybe it was because I was excited.  Maybe it was because I was about to go in to have major surgery.  And maybe it was because I was finally going to meet my baby girl.  I actually said that out loud...  "I don't care anymore, I just. want. to. hold. my baby girl".  And that was how I truly felt.  I was just done...  done waiting.  And then my OB walked in and told us he wanted to go ahead and do the C-Section.  He sat down and asked if I was ok...  and I told him I was.  And then I told him that we were ready. 

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is just wonderful. What is it with 4cm? I also was stuck at 4. I know the ending...but am loving your blog! I'm so excited to hear more :)
