Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I didn't know I was pregnant...

Yep.  I was "that" girl.  Granted, I didn't go all the way and find out when I went into labor, but I did go 22 weeks...  That's just over 5 months.  Whoa.

So, I went to work on Friday and did indeed purchase a test during my lunch break.  I decided to wait until I got home that evening to take it.  My SIL was visiting (good luck charm, perhaps?) and when I got home I immediately went into the bathroom to test.  Holy. Moly.  It was positive.  I was in shock.  Disbelief.  In the most amazing way!!!  Don't you know what this means???  This means that my husband and I created life, completely on our own.  Without any medical intervention.  We did it!  "Highly unlikey" my ass!  :-)

And then I started to wonder... How far along was I?  I was already feeling movement so I had to be far enough along.  I estimated the 1st day of my last period was April Fool's Day (how funny is that!?!) and so in my mind I was calculating that I was around 5 months already.  FIVE MONTHS???  Are you kidding me??  Sooo, I finally get pregnant naturally and I wind up missing out on the entire 1st half?  And then some? Dude.  Not cool.  But oh so remarkable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had remembered 2 incidents that happened before this...  one random incident with a stranger at a Whole Foods check out.  She was ringing me up while I was holding my baby girl and she said those words to me...  You know, those forbidden words you NEVER, EVER, EVER say to a woman.  "Are you pregnant"?  My initial thought was to say, "no, but I have gained some weight".  But instead I just looked up at her and said, "I don't know."  And then she said, "I think you are".  I just smiled and took my groceries and left.

The other incident was at a friends wedding in August.  Just a week and a 1/2 before I found out.  The groom saw me standing in the bar area and since there was loud music playing he simply looked at me and patted his own belly...  as if to ask me if I was pregnant.  I just smiled and nodded my head "NO" and went to find my husband. 

Those were the only 2 times in my life that has ever happened to me.  And as it turns out...  they knew before I did.

I know you all have seen or heard about that show on Discovery Health and have had that same thought...  "How is it possible to not know"!??!?!  Well, I completely understand now.  Remember...  I had been pregnant before.   I knew what fetal movement felt like.  But even still I did not think I was pregnant.  I was stuck on "highly unlikely" and would not allow myself to get past it.  And up until my pregnancy was confirmed I was literally forcing myself to fit into my regular work pants, changed my diet and began working out to handle the "weight gain".  I can totally understand how someone who has never been pregnant, hardly gains any weight and isn't even thinking about it can go a whole 9 months.  Man...  I was almost there.

I walked out of my bedroom to find my husband in the kitchen and quickly pulled him into the bedroom.  My SIL was playing with my daughter in the family room.  He walked in and I showed him the pregnancy test.  The positive test.  He smiled and said, "na ah!", but in that tell me it's true kind of way...  I just ran into his arms and told him I was pregnant!  We hurried out to tell his sister and then we called our families.  Everyone was so happy for us.  We were so happy for us.  And I was also so very curious!!  I wanted to know everything!!  What was I having?  When was my due date?  I couldn't wait to get all the details!

I called my OB's office the next day and told them I needed to come in to confirm a pregnancy.  I made them aware of the "special circumstance" and we scheduled our appointment for the following week. 

I couldn't wait to get to his office to see my baby on the ultrasound screen!  I was also looking forward to talking to his nurse... we had developed a bit of a friendship and I was excited to see the look on her face when she heard that we got pregnant on our own!  Naturally she as very happy for us!  She took my blood pressure and we talked for a bit and then we all sat and excitedly waited for my OB to walk in.  My husband and my baby girl were with me and we were all filled with anticipation of the "official" confirmation.  He walked in and as he turned on the machine, he asked how I was feeling and if I had felt any movement...?  Um... yes.  A lot.  His response?  Laughingly... "What am I going to do with you"?  He assumed, like I did, that I was far along, and in his world, that meant that I had missed out on all 1st trimester testing/screening.  I didn't care.  I just wanted to see my baby. 

And finally we did.  Oh my goodness...  there it was.  My little being, growing in my belly.  Thank goodness I wasn't going to miss another day of this little wonder growing inside me.  We asked if he could see the sex and he asked if we wanted to know.  We most certainly did.  It's a boy!!!!  A BOY!!!  We were having a boy!!!  We told our daughter she was going to be a big sister and that she was going to get a little brother.  It was such an incredible day.  To say the least. 

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